As souls in this dimension, we were born without memory of our galactic origins and an overlay of the ego mind (“reptilian” brain) atop our soul like a lead weight. Part of that system includes an automatic sexual response in our bodies. This does feel like an out of control merry-go-round for many people, on purpose, as it's designed to control and create trauma. Even in a situation with no consent, someone’s body will respond physically, creating even more of a feeling of trauma, as one’s body has betrayed them- more cycles of shame and sexual misery.
This wheel has many cracks- places for energetic leaks and siphoning- and people often attempt to fill those cracks with behaviors that are implanted programs running them into the ground. Also, within the body this cycle runs through the fluids of our body and although centered in our sacral area it includes the entire system, but keeps people looping in that 2D lower abdomen space, literally spinning in place.
The excitement stage is the rush. A rush of fluids to penis and clitoris causing erections of both. Swelling of testicles, a hardening of nipples, a tightening of muscles and the scrotal skin. A flush of skin with blood, a release of pre-ejaculate fluid, a lubrication of the vagina and labia from the Skenes and Bartholin’s glands. All of these fluids are part of the Holy Mother- the waters of Sophia within our body. People are bombarded constantly with images, music, pornography, expectations of what should and does for many start this excitement stage within the body. We have been trained to be excited by what we may not actually, in our hearts, be excited by. We may be cycling in a hamster cage of what is being thrown as us keeping us there…. Running those waters of the Mother in a cage.
The Plateau stage intensifies all of the previous changes. Muscles tighten and may begin to spasm, breathing and heart rate increase, the vagina swells and stretches and the walls turn a dark purple, the clitoris can become highly sensitive and retract behind the clitoral hood. This is the stage when so many people experience a disconnect emotionally. A fear. A hiding of self. This stage is often rushed, but yet so important for heart based resonance to be there with oneself or with another. It is the high plateau from which to enjoy the view----take stock of the situation, feel into the body and heart space. Here there is this opening for programming to implant as someone is easing into the surrender of the next stage.
Orgasm is a commonly pleasurable, intense feeling of sexual release. It is energy exploding in the body. Literally. Muscles spasm, oxygen is pumped through heart/lungs/blood at their highest rate, the uterus has rhythmic contractions, rhythmic contractions at the base of the penis produce ejaculation. It is the crescendo of fluid and structure- a unity. For many, this feeling is used to mask pain of all kinds and when achieved through nonconsent of spirit or body can feed entities and programs that harbor immense suffering.This loosh of energy is potent, and attractive for negative consciousness to feed on. Is it a release into the unity or away from it? Yet, there’s one more stage…
Resolution of this cycle is the come down- a stepping down of bodily functions to a normal state. Enhanced intimacy and sleepiness are common. The rest after the storm. For many people with clitorises multiple orgasm is possible. For many people with penises a refractory period of rest is needed before the cycle can begin again. For many years of my own life, this last step was skipped- there was no resolution- there was no feeling of well-being or safety. I had to do much healing and repair to see this cycle for what it is, but also what it can be.
There is no judgement, no shame, no sin--- there is discernment, of our own bodies, and our own patterns. I had to examine the why of what excites me, of where my focus is on the landscape atop the plateau, valuing my own release and where that energy was sourcing from within and without, and allowing myself to surrender into a resolution within an architecture of safety. Reclaiming body AND sexual response cycle.
Your Body is Yours
It regenerates completely on a cellular level every 7 years ~ depending on when you choose that start date, every day it is brand new.
Your skin’s outermost layer is entirely new every 27 days. Your skin is a place no one else has ever touched. The memory is in the mind, not on the skin. You can reclaim your body every day. It loves you and seeks to serve your highest good.
I pray, Beloved Holy Mother and Holy Father, unified living light Source consciousness, Christos-Sophia, please assist me in reclaiming all of my sexual energies from any interaction, either physical or energetic, across all time, space, and dimension. Free my sexual energy from any cords, bindings, or attachments, which do not serve my highest ascension path at this time. By Sacred Law, as a sovereign being of living light, I command my sexual energy to return to me now. And so it is.